Courtside: Filippo Casini and Giovanni Zuanelli

15 September 2021

A recurring trait in FILA history is its ability in connecting sport practice with artistic expression. It’s the reason why last Spring we launched ‘110 modi di fare SPORT’, the contest that celebrated our 110th anniversary. Among the winners we had two young talents: Filippo Casini aka CASO, rapper, and Giovanni Zuanelli, illustrator.

Filippo paid homage to the Biellese brand with his single CentoDieci. A syncopated track in which FILA sports, history and names contribute to describe a wider scenario. Giovanni, for his part, realized a digital illustration in which number 110 becomes an urban skyline, with the landscape harmoniously dealing with the silhouettes of an active, vigorous humanity.

What did you know about FILA before approaching the 110 modi di fare SPORT contest last Spring?

FILIPPO CASINI: Obviously I was aware of the appeal and the importance of FILA, one of the best activewear brands in the world. I knew about its worth in sponsoring famous disciplines, as well as icons such as Björn Borg, Alberto Tomba and Fabio Fognini. I did not know about some historical facts, but thanks to my researches for the contest and to the support of Fondazione FILA Museum I managed to fill my gaps.

GIOVANNI ZUANELLI: To be honest, FILA has always been my favorite clothing brand: I’ve always appreciated its sporty shorts, its jumpers, its t-shirts. I know it might look like a ‘sweet talk’, but I’d lie if I said different things.

How did you feel when you found yourselves winners?

FC: When I realized I was one of the winners, I felt joy and enthusiasm, it’s great to be appreciated for something you love doing. For a boy like me, who has practiced sports for more than fifteen years, such context caused an explosion of positive feelings.

GZ: When I came to know that I won the context in the ‘Static visual content’ category, I was over the moon. I instantly called my parents, my friends, my girlfriend. I’m really proud to add such feat to my career.

On September 24 and 25 you’ll be one of the protagonists of Bi-O, pilot event of Fondazione FILA Museum’s program devoted to outdoor fitness in company of the dearest ones. Can you spoil something about what’s going to happen?

FC: Next September 24, Friday, on the occasion of the opening night of the event, I’m going to perform my song ‘CentoDieci’ live. I’m working hard to prepare the best performance ever!

GZ: Unfortunately, I won’t be able to be there, but I prepare a contribution anyway: five illustrations and as many timelapse videos: check them out on the Foundation’s social media channels!

Is creativity a useful tool to face hard times?

FC: With the help of creativity you can take a distance from problems surrounding you. Artistic practice always endorses the emerging of sides only you can know, probably the most natural, sincere ones, giving you access to a parallel world in which you there are no complexities, just your visions. Fantasy eases feats, even small ones, giving you satisfaction and healing the most complex times.

GZ: Art saved me in different moments of my life. I think that channeling negative feelings in what you do helps you to somatize and going beyond them faster.

What would you tell the audience to convince it to take part in Bi-O next 24 and 25 September?

FC: I would suggest taking part in it because it’s always important to be there at situations in which sport, art and culture gather to create an atmosphere of wellness and friendliness. The pandemic has canceled many events we may have defined ordinary in the past, but after all that we’ve been through, we can now give them a new value.

GZ: I think it’s going to be a perfect event for both sporty people and beginners. All those who will be able to be there are going to live special moments!


Born in Biella in the foothills of the ltalian Alps, WONNIE is a ski-loving white bear. Because he is from the snow­covered Alps, he is vulnerable to hot weather, and despite his size he has timid personality so he is always blushing. WONNIE is a gentle bear with heart of gold who easily find faults with himself even with small things but never blames others.